Hello, my name is Leventneuf.
I am an Italian artist and poet enthusiast about life!
With my art and my work I try to help as many people as possible. Let’s unite and help each other building a better world.
Live with joy and creativity and help whoever you want! Thanks for being here.

Hello, my name is Leventneuf.
I am an Italian artist and poet enthusiast about life!
With my art and my work I try to help as many people as possible. Let’s unite and help build a better world.
Live with joy and creativity and help whoever you want!
Thanks for being here.
With my art and my work I try to help as many people as possible. Let’s unite and help build a better world.
Live with joy and creativity and help whoever you want!
Thanks for being here.
I am an Italian artist and poet enthusiast about life!

My why
Creating and communicating emotions to promote improvements in the world.
This is my why, the why that moves my every thought, my every word, my action.
It is the fruit of a spiritual search that made me understand who I am, what the meaning of my life is and how I can turn all the bad received to good actions and help others.

My artworks soon for sale on Opensea
Creating my first NFT collection was like finding an oasis in the desert. I present to you “Leventneuf et la Paix”,
an eulogy to Peace in our hearts and in the world, in every element of Nature that is Water, Air, Fire, Earth.
Each of my collections is a new journey inside and outside of me.
It’s like embracing the sea…
I have so many emotions to tell you and I can’t wait to show you my next collection… stay tuned!
Blog Leventneuf
Discover here new points of view and news to live with joy and creativity. I’m just talking about what I learn, feel, try and experience.
In each article special tips for you, I’m waiting for you!

Why is creativity important?
Creativity is crazy cool, but to be creative you need a special recipe that I tell you about in this article… To find this recipe, I launched the question into the ether and the world answered me as always in a fast and smart way. Thanks world.

Why is my name Leventneuf?
In this article I open my heart to you and tell you why my name is Leventneuf, what is my mission in the world, who inspires me day by day, where I find my strength and why 29 is a very important number for me.

Leventneuf, who???!!!
Hi Creatives, I make you a confession: I love interviews, I love doing them, I love being interviewed but no one has never interviewed me! Here I enjoyed being interviewed by the Fantasy Character (PDF) for the first blog article, what questions would you have asked me?

Why is creativity important?
Creativity is crazy cool, but to be creative you need a special recipe that I tell you about in this article… To find this recipe, I launched the question into the ether and the world answered me as always in a fast and smart way. Thanks world.

Why is my name Leventneuf?
In this article I open my heart to you and tell you why my name is Leventneuf, what is my mission in the world, who inspires me day by day, where I find my strength and why 29 is a very important number for me.

Leventneuf, who???!!!
Hi Creatives, I make you a confession: I love interviews, I love doing them, I love being interviewed but no one has never interviewed me! Here I enjoyed being interviewed by the Fantasy Character (PDF) for the first blog article, what questions would you have asked me?
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My philosophy of life
Living with joy and creativity to love and do good always and in any case.
Every day I wake up and think: “Do something you love and pass it on to others so that this love can also live in others, multiply and expand more and more to infinity.”
By expressing and communicating my creativity, I hope and count on doing my part.
I am here because I feel at the beginning of a journey that I want to do with you. It will be a rich and exciting journey made up of questions and answers, challenges and goals, of falls and catches, of courage and fear, of depth and lightness.
It will be our journey. Are you one of us?
As you know, changes do not come overnight, but are the result of many small steps taken consistently, over time and together towards a common direction.
Yes, because alone we can do little, but together we can achieve extraordinary things.
Let’s join us and help each other to build, step by step, gesture by gesture, the world we want to see.

What is art for me
Art is my oxygen, it excites me, sets me free, I couldn’t live without making art.
As an artist I create NFTs for sale on Opensea and personal and commissioned creative photographic projects. If you want to know more or want to contact me, click here.
You are my inspiring Muses, my artworks are for you!
You will see some good ones… this is a promise!
Follow me on TikTok
In TikTok I express myself 100% and I have a lot of fun!
I have 3 different profiles to express 3 parts of me:
@leventneuf.nft dedicated to my NFTs and my creativity, where I challenge myself everyday with something new
@leventneuf.bff dedicated to my joie de vivre and my daily life together with my wonderful pets that I immensely love
@leventneuf.poetry dedicated to my passion for poetry and words in all their forms
In TikTok I express myself 100% and I have a lot of fun!
I have 3 different profiles to express 3 different parts of me:
@leventneuf.nft dedicated to my NFTs and my creativity, where I challenge myself everyday with something new
@leventneuf.bff dedicated to my joie de vivre and my daily life together with my wonderful pets that I immensely love
@leventneuf.poetry dedicated to my passion for poetry and words in all their forms
In Tiktok I express myself 100% and I have a lot of fun!
I have 3 different profiles to express 3 parts of me:
@leventneuf.nft dedicated to my NFTs and my creativity, where I challenge myself everyday with something new
@leventneuf.bff dedicated to my joie de vivre and my daily life together with my wonderful pets that I immensely love
@leventneuf.poetry dedicated to my passion for poetry and words in all their forms

Why Leventneuf?
The name Leventneuf was born on January 29, 2022 and carries within it various meanings that are very important to me, I’ll tell you about it here.
My registered name is Elisa Campesato, I am a management engineer converted to art and here at campesatoelisa.com you can find some info about me and my love for photography.

March 31, 2020
“Love is the only thing I really know because through love I know everything else.”