"My works are part of me, they are my world, they are the world I would like."
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"My works are part of me, they are my world, they are the world I would like."
Go on Opensea
"My works are part of me, they are my world, they are the world I would like."
Go on Opensea
"My works are part of me, they are my world, they are the world I would like."
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Leventneuf et la Paix

My first collection “Leventneuf et la Paix”, soon on sale on Opensea, wants to be an eulogy to Peace in our hearts and in the world, in every element of Nature that is Water, Air, Fire, Earth.

Each artwork is an original and unpublished shot of mine, not post-produced by choice to preserve the purity of the moment and enhanced by my handwritten message of Peace.

My artworks are born from my heart, they derive from my why and come to life with my emotions. I really hope to move you too. 

This is my why, the why that moves my every action: Creating and communicating emotions to promote improvements in the world.

There are 129 signed artworks in this collection because i am very attached to Numbers 1 and 29. 

10% of each sale will be donated to the Italian Red Cross.

“I dream of a world without divisions, wars, hate, violence, where Peace and Love reign everywhere. Let’s help each other building a world like this.”

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April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022

“Let’s light up the world with Peace.”

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